This was another interesting and pleasant day spent in the Northern Beaches accompanied by Ken and John.
Walking past a rock pool we noticed a Little Pied Cormorant enjoying the sun and a White Faced Heron hunting for food.
We then proceeded to where I had seen a pair of Peregrine Falcons on previous trips. On the way, we looked down at the sea and notched a pod of Dolphins.
We then waited on the cliffs to see if the Peregrine Falcons would appear. we didn’t have to wait too long. One flew past and then circled around. We were able to get some nice photos.
We then left that area and headed back towards a lagoon. Here, we saw some quite different birds –
We then stopped in a park for lunch. But our lunch was interrupted. we noticed a Black Shouldered Kite hovering not that far away. We left our lunches and grabbed our cameras and headed closer.
The Kite was then harassed by a Magpie.
The Kite flew away.
Next it perched in a tree. As we approached it flew off.
We went back to our lunches. The Kite returned to the same tree perch with a lizard, which it ate.
We then continued walking around some of the nearby coastline. Here we observed a few more birds –
And a Jacky Dragon.
It had been a very good day.