I made another trip to the Northern Beaches with the purpose of getting more photos of the Peregrine Falcon fledglings. I went out to the cliffs where I had observed them before – but on this visit I was unsuccessful. Perhaps due to the weather? It was warm and very still – no breeze at all. Perhaps they don’t like to fly in those conditions?
After wanting to see if they were around, I walked back to the beach, and there met Ken and John. They had also travelled up with the same purpose – photographing the Falcons. I told them I had not seen the birds, but by this time they may be around, so we then set out together back to the cliffs. But still no luck.
We spent our time photographing the other birds in the area – Superb Fairy-wrens. There seemed to be a nesting pair that were getting food for their babies.
We also looked out to sea, looking for whales. We did notice one breeching a long way out, near a whale watching boat.
We then started walking back to the beach, and on the way I got some photos of a White-browed Scrubwren.
Next we visited a lagoon but the birds were not very active. A raptor flew over – but I missed a photograph. I did spot a Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike.
Further out, on a headland, I looked for migratory birds on the rock platform. But they too were elusive.