I had seen photos published online of a Boobook Owl and its chick that had been taken in one of the gullies at Westleigh. A friend who had also seen it sent me some location information.
So I set off for the spot, but after a lot of searching around I could not locate either owl. So I continued along the track looking to see what else was out. The track continued through a really nice forest of Blue Gums (Eucalyptus saligna) – I think it possibly the best stand of these trees I have seen. Then I ran into Elizabeth, another bird watcher. She was a local, and was the person who had first spotted the Boobook Owls. So we went back up the track and started looking again.
Elizabeth spotted it. It was a fair way from the track and also a fair way from where it had been seen recently. It was also hidden by vegetation. But by moving around a bit we could get some reasonable photos. We only spotted one bird – which looks like the chick (owlet). It was not very high – perhaps perched 2 m high in small tree. Its parent was probably close by.
After that, I continued down the track and then farewelled Elizabeth, as she was heading up a efferent valley. I walked back via another valley and managed to find a few more birds.
Grey Fantail
Eastern Spinebill
Yellow-faced Honeyeater
King Parrot
After this I walked to Thornleigh Station and caught a train down to Concord West Station. I was going to spend the afternoon at Bicentennial Park.