This was a walk to get some exercise, but I also took my camera along.
For my exercise I cycled to Earlwood, locked up my bike, then started walking from Girrahween Park. I spotted a Hyacinth Orchid still out.
There was also a large polypore fungi growing at the base of an Angophora.
Near Bardwell Park Station upstream along the Two Valleys Track. Near the start I met two English bird watchers. They were out exploring from their AirB&B while wanting for their flight home. A little further on I saw a pair of Superb Fairy-wrens.
There was also the same slime mould growing in the grass that I had seen on previous trips.
Near the star too the track, a lot of New Holland Honeyeaters were enjoying the flowers of some weeds.
Nearby was a Grey Fantail.
I walked up towards Bexley North as far as Illoura – the open grassy area. On my past few trips I have observed raptors here – a pair of Brown Goshawks, and later a Brown Goshawk and a Black-shouldered Kite. Not this time.
Here is some of the fungi I saw on the way –
On my way back. I saw another New Holland Honeyeater on the same weeds –
I also visited the Bray Street Wetlands. I then spotted the Brown Goshawk. It was flying low down. But it was too fast for to get a photo.
I crossed back into Girrahween Park, and walked down to Turrella Reserve and back the same way. I didn’t see too much fungi out.
ButI did see some nice birds. Here is a selection –