Birds at Tempe and Barton Park – 23 April 2020

For my exercise this day, I did some walking around Tempe, and then more walking at Barton Park.

At Tempe I visited the Wetlands, but they were very quiet. Not many birds were active or visible. I then continued to Tempe Wastelands, and walked on the high path above the airport, past the Container Terminal, to the wastelands. On my previous trip I had spotted some nice birds here, and had a good photos session with a Black-shouldered Kite. This time I spotted a few Red-browed Finches. Here is one –

I also spotted a Brown Goshawk, but it flew off and I was unable to get decent photos. These are the best I could do.

I also spotted a distant Black-shouldered Kite. When I walked closer to where it was, there was no sign of it.

There were a few Laughing Kookaburras around. Here are two –

I then did a circuit of Tempe Reserve, but not much around. So I headed to Barton Park and first visited the Landing Lights Wetland. It was very quite with not many birds around. I spotted some Black-fronted Dotterels.

I then continued around Barton Park. Here are some more Red-browed Finches

Back at the Wetlands, here is a White-faced Heron

And a Yellow-rumped Thornbill


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