Lane Cove Valley Birds – 17 August 2020

This was another mixed day. I started off at Ferndale Park – seeing any fungi was out. I did not spot any worth photographing, so I continued down the Swaines Creek Track to the Lane Cove River then headed downstream to photograph the nesting pair of Ospreys.

As I made my way to the Osprey nest area, I photographed a few birds.

Here is a Rainbow Lorikeet

And a Pied Cormorant hunting in the Lane Cove River –

And one of a large flock of Silvereyes

I reached the Osprey nest. No ospreys were in sight. I waited around for a while and got the feeling that the Ospreys may have abandoned their nest.

It was still early, so I decided to leave and head to Sydney Park to wee what the birds were like there.

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4 Responses to Lane Cove Valley Birds – 17 August 2020

  1. Gavin says:

    Hey mate. I stuck my head in along the river a couple times in the last couple of days, I also have not seen them on the nest. If they have moved it isn’t far – have spotted them along the river still

  2. Maki says:

    So sorry to hear that.
    The council updated the floodlights posts. That caused the Ospreys move away.

  3. Maki says:

    I went to the Athletes Field today to see the nest was surely abandoned.
    There were two Ospreys in the nest, one of which was chirping all the time though the other didn’t do anythihg for it. Is that a juvenile?? It is pretty big but the back of the head is pretty fluffy and the colour of the neck and chest is heavy brown. It flew twice though coming back soon.

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