Grand Clifftop Walk – 23 May 2024

Both Bob and myself were keen to do this “new” walk – along the cliffs from Katoomba to Wentworth Falls (or the other way). By “new”, it is really a walk that uses existing tracks – many of them refurbished recently – and done in a very good manner.

We decided to walk the slightly easier direction – downhill from Katoomba to Wentworth Falls. I had worked out a good plan to catch a train up the mountains and then shortly after it arrived in Katoomba, catch a bus to the Scenic World – which is the upper end of the walk. But this plan ddi not work. My connecting train was late and I missed the mountains train by seconds. I therefore had to wait about 30 minutes for the next Katoomba bound train. This train did not work of the bus link, so we ended up catching a taxi to Scenic World.

We then found the first section of their walk closed – due to track construction I think. So we walked back along the road to the Katoomba Falls Kiosk. We then walked out onto Reids Plateau for its great views.

On the way down, we saw a pair of Lyrebirds foraging near the track.

Reids Plateau gives perhaps the best view of Orphan Rock.

And there are also great views of the Three Sisters, the Jamison Valley and Katoomba Falls.

Back on the official track – we headed to Katoomba Cascades

And the new continued around the nice rebuilt track to Echo Point via a series of lookouts.

And the tourist photo from Echo Point –

And the top view of the Three Sisters –

Further along we passed a big group of walkers enjoying the sun and the view.

Then we arrived at the viewpoint for Bridal Veil Falls – the upper waterfall of Leura Falls.

Eastern Yellow Robin

A closer view of Bridal Veil Falls

We continued on the track uo Leura Cascades and then continued on the way towards Gordon Falls.

Aleuria aurantia

Tarpean Rock Lookout

There has been some good new track-work along this section.

At Gordon Falls Reserve, we descended along the track to the Pool of Siloam

And then up to Golf Links Lookout

The next part of the grand Clifftop Walk uses older tracks – and they have been completely rebuilt.

Rock Warbler

Looking back at the Three Sisters

We found a nice sunny rock for our lunch break.

Then the track ends, and section of road must be walked – past the golf course to the Fairmont Resort.

Red Wattlebird

At the back of the Fairmont Resort, the track starts again, and then descended towards the Valley of the Waters.

Eastern Spinebill

Hypholoma australe

It crosses Empress Creek and then joins the main track system above the cliffs at Wentworth Falls.

And there has been a lot of impressive track work here.

The track passes this historic well –

And then we arrived at Wentworth Falls.

The next section of the walk – up the lower part of the Darwin Walk was closed for track-work – so we had to make a large detour up the Wentworth Falls carpark and then along the road to Wentworth Falls Village. We could have turned off along Fletcher St and dropped onto the Darwin Walk – but it didn’t seem worth it, so we continued on to the village.

On there way we passed this historic Annis and George Bills Horsetrough –

And we then looked at the new sign at the Wentworth Falls start of the Grand Clifftop Walk.

I think we started around 9 am at Scenic World, had lunch at 12:30 pm, and  reached Wentworth Falls Village  at 3 pm. My phone said about 23 kms and 136 floors (about 400 m of climbing). We both thought it had been a very pleasant walk -with varied scenery and a great set of changing views. The road section was fairly short and not too bad – the roads were quiet.

Now – could the walk be made better? Probably. There are old and now overgrown tracks all the way to Sublime Point on the western side that could be used. And could a new track be built from Sublime Point to join up with the tracks behind the Fairmont Reserve?Probably not – the blocks of private land seem to go a long way down. And of course the walk could be extended in both directions – from Scenic World to the tracks of Nellies Glen and on the eastern side from Rocket Point to Lincolns Rock.


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