I left the Greenway Bird Survey and headed via light and heavy rail to Sydney Olympic Park where at the Waterbird Refuge, I met up with John and Allen. We spent a few hours wandering around the ponds seeing what Birds we could find.
It was relatively quiet – bird wise. Perhaps too hot for a lot to come out? Here are some of the birds at the Waterbird Refuge – the large pond in Bicentennial Park.
Superb Fairy-wrens
Pied Stilts
There were a lot of chicks.
And others sitting on nests.
Here is a White-faced Heron –
Black Swans
Chestnut Teals
We then headed to Wentworth Common. We saw and heard some Buff-banded Rails – but they were too elusive for photos.
Here is an Eastern Long-necked Turtle –
Two raptors did flew over. First a Nankeen Kestrel –
And a Peregrine Falcon –
We then visited the Brickpit. Here are a few Dusky Moorhen in the algae –
John and Allen then headed home. I walked back through Bicentennial Park and visited Lake Belvedere. Here is a Royal Spoonbill –
And a Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike –