I spent the last part of the afternoon at Sydney Park photographing birds.
Here are some photos –
Black Swans and Cygnets –
Welcome Swallows –
Hardhead –
Australasian Grebe –
White-faced Heron –
At one stage, a Peregrine Falcon flew overhead –
I was on the lookout for any Crakes and Rails that may be around. Late in the afternoon, I spotted a Buff-banded Rail on the island.
It soon vanished in the foliage, but I later spotted it on the other side of the island. It was having a wash. But first it did some calling. At this time of the afternoon, the light was very poor for photography.
A Coot approached.
The Rail bolted, but soon went back for the rest of its wash.
Then the Coot reappeared.
When the Coot left, the Rail did a bit more calling and then headed into the foliage.