Cooks River and Barton Park – A Windy Bike Ride! – 4 August 2021

Day 39 of lockdown. I set off down the Cooks River on my bike for an exercise ride to Barton Park and back. It was a windy day and this made riding hard and also a lot of the smaller birds were seeing to their shelter. Nevertheless, I still manage to spot some nice birds along the way.

Here are some.

King Parrot

I heard a King Parrot calling while riding through Gough Whitlam Park. I dint spot the one I heard calling – but ddi spot one closer.

And nearby where pair of Eastern Rosellas. Here is one –

In the Billabong was a White-faced Heron

And this one is at Barton Park –

More birds at Barton Park, at Landing Lights Wetland. First some Royal Spoonbills

There were 3 Spoonbills.

Pied Stilts

The number of these is increasing each day. I think I counted 16.

And a Great Egret

Here are some of the birds together –

Then the Egret left –

Riding back home, I bumped into Michael near the bridge at Tempe (Gough Whitlam Park side). He was photographing a Sacred Kingfisher. It flew away when I arrived. But an Australasian Darter was content to sit and dry its wings.

Riding further along, I spotted the Sacred Kingfisher.

And at the Billabong in Gough Whitlam Park, the Great Egret was hunting for fish.

And a Little Egret was resting.

I cycled back down the river looking for the Kingfisher, without having any luck. The Darter had now moved to Waterworth Park.

I was hoping it would take-off, but it slid into the water.

Continuing for home against a head wind, I got a few photos of a pair of Galahs in Gough Whitlam Park –

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