Cooks River and Sydney Park Bike Ride – 6 September 2021

Day 72 of lockdown. My intention was to have another attempt to photograph the Rails at Sydney Park. I had the aim of getting photos with more than one Rail in them. I have photographed two Buff-banded Rails before, but had not photographed a pair of Lewin’s Rails or a photo showing both a Lewin’s Rail and a Buff-banded Rail. I knew these would be hard to obtain. Bit if you don’t try? I also wanted to see if the Osprey was out in the afternoon at the Tempe Reserve section of the Cooks River. So I decided to combine both.

I succeeded with the Osprey, although when I spotted it, I was shooting towards the Sun and the photos are not great. Nor did the Osprey dive for fish. It certainly was looking for them. The day was a bit windy – and perhaps the surface made seeing fish difficult? I was less successful with the Rails.

I cycled down the Cooks River to Cahill Reserve and waited a while to see if the Osprey would turn up. It didn’t, so I headed back across the Cooks River and started riding around Tempe Reserve. I spotted the Eastern Osprey on the first part of the ride around the reserve. Here are some photos –

It then flew downstream. I continued riding down the river along the path at Tempe Reserve but didn’t see it again. I then followed the cycleway to Sydney Park.

At Sydney Park, it wa a little early to look for the Rails, so here are some of the other birds.

Australasian Grebe

Rainbow Lorikeets

Little Pied Cormorant

Pacific Black Duck

I then headed to the area I had observed Rails on previous visits. I think I waited around nearly two hours in the one spot, and only had a single Buff-banded Rail appear for about 2 minutes.

I could hear at least one Lewin’s Rail calling not that far from this spot. It sound like it was only a few metres away, but it never showed itself. It was quiet windy and that may have been a factor.


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