This was a morning visit to Barton Park. I spent most of my time in the old sporting fields photographing a Nankeen Kestrel.
When I arrived, I looked in at the Landing Lights Wetland. Here is a family of Chestnut Teals –
Nearby were some Red-browed Finches –
To get to the old sporting fields was a bit complicated this time. There were workers and machinery in the old carpark area, so I didn’t go through the usual hole in the fence. I had to go right around to the far side of the fields and then through another hole in the fence.
When I entered, I spotted a Nankeen Kestrel straight away.
It perched nearby.
Then it suddenly took-off and chased away a second Nankeen Kestrel –
It then perched on a fence on the far side of the field. I walked closer.
It was being harassed by a Noisy Miner.
The Kestrel moved to another fence perch.
Then it took off and started hunting.
It caught a cicada mid air –
I continued watching its hunting.
It was almost time for me to leave.
On the way out, a few more birds –
Red-browed Finch
Superb Fairy-wren
And back at Landing Lights Wetland, some of the Pied Stilts –
And a White-faced Heron flew over –