Bundeena to Marley Walk – 13 June 2024

I was able to join Brian Everingham on a walk he led for the National Parks Association of NSW. I travelled down to Cronulla with Valerie on the train, and then we caught the ferry to Bundeena where we met Brian and the rest of the party – Ken and Elaine. The weather was overcast and there was a strong cold wind. The sea was very rough.

But the weather did not dampen our spirits for the walk down this fantastic section of coast. There was a lot to see.

New Holland Honeyeater

Humpback Whales

New Holland Honeyeaters

Little Wattlebird

Beautiful Firetail

Rainbow Lorikeet

We were pleasantly surprised to find some Boronia in flower –

Little Wattlebird

The party taking a break at the Waterrun.

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whales

Welcome Swallow

The White Slab (Wedding Cake Rock)

Aboriginal engraving – man

Aboriginal engraving – fish

Humpback Whales

Humpback Whales

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos

Australasian Gannet

White-bellied Sea Eagle with fish

Humpback Whale

Yellow-faced Honeyeater

We finished the walk with refreshments at the Bundeena Club while we waited for our ferry. Many thanks to Brian for organising the walk.

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