Royal National Park Orchid Walk – 22 July 2024

This was another walk led by Brian Everingham with the National Parks Association of NSW. We visited three areas of Royal National Park to look for orchids.

The Forest Path

We walked down a short section of the Forest Path where previously we have seen orchids.

Pixie Cap Orchid – Acianthus fornicatus

Nodding Greenhood Orchid – Pterostylis nutans

Cobra Greenhood Orchid – Pterostylis grandiflora

Bassian Thrush

Garrawarra Ridge Trail

We then headed to Garrawarra Farm and did a short walk along the fire road south along the ridge.

Correa reflexa

Common Leafy Greenhood Orchid – Pterostylis longifolia

This was the first of two lookouts we visited, a short distance from the fire road.

Great Cormorant

Burning Palms Beach

Gymea Lily

Hibbertia dentata

Common Leafy Greenhood Orchid – Pterostylis longifolia

Gymea Lily

And two orchids not in flower –

Cymbidium suave

Streaked Rock Orchid – Dockrillia striolata

We had lunch at this second lookout.

Sydney Rock Orchid – Dendrobium speciosum

Grey Fantail

Our third venue for orchids was Reids Flat near Audley.

Common Ant Orchid – Chiloglottis formicifera

Common Leafy Greenhood Orchid – Pterostylis longifolia

And this Sulphur-crested Cockatoo wanted to share our snacks at the Audley cafe –

Thanks to Brian for putting on another excellent and interesting walk. And also to Valerie for a lift down and back.

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