Malabar Headland – 23 August 2024

I joined Sue for another great day out on Malabar Headland. This time we were lucky to observe some amazing courtship flying by the Peregrine Falcons.

We met at Maroubra Beach, and then started walking out. It was pretty quiet as we walked out this time. Near the Peregrine Falcon nesting area, we spotted the female perched on the cliffs –

But she soon flew off and out of sight.

Out as sea, we spotted some Dolphins. Here is one –

And, thanks to Sam for identifying this as a Kelp Gull

And a Seal

A huge flock of Great Cormorants were heading north. This photos shows only a small fraction of the flock –

As it was now quiet, we walked around to the south side to se if any Sun Orchids were out. We spotted some buds, but no open flowers.

Nearby was a Black-shouldered Kite

And, fails quiet on the day, a New Holland Honeyeater

The wildflowers are looking stunning –

Back at the  nesting area, we spotted the female Peregrine Falcon again –

And another seal out at sea –

Then the female started some nice flying.

It landed on the cliffs, and we could hear it calling. Was it trying to attract the male?

Then some more flying.

We thought it was looking for the male. She landed back on the cliffs –

And then some more calling.

And she was looking about –

Then another flight –

Then another flight. This time she was joined by the male –

And then an amazing flying show started. Very fast flying close to the cliffs. Aboluelt amazing to watch.

Most of this fast flying was being done by the female. But here is the male –

Then both again –

They flew off out of sight. It is a real privilege to witness these amazing displays.

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2 Responses to Malabar Headland – 23 August 2024

  1. Hi David

    Such beautiful Peregrine falcons. Where do you usually see them in Malabar? Is at Boora Point?

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