I joined the Mudlarks, early in the morning (7 am) at the Land St Bridge for their monthly bird survey. This month the survey was downstream – on the Wave Rock Loop.
Here are some of the birds we saw –
Little Corellas
Great Cormorant
We often saw a few White-throated Needletails flying high above. Here is a poor photo of one –
Australian Wood Duck
Willie Wagtail
Australasian Figbird
Noisy Miner (all the tiny dots are insects)
A shy Pacific Koel –
Dusky Moorhen
Little Corellas
Little Black Cormorants
Little Corellas
And, near the end of the survey, at the cricket nets was a family of four Tawny Frogmouths –
After the survey, and morning tea, I walked upstream with Simin, to Canterbury Road. Along the way we spotted some more birds.
Here are some Dusky Moorhens on a raft of rubbish –
And Simin spotted a Tawny Frogmouth in the Close St Reserve –