Another local bird survey. This morning, it was along the Hawthorne Canal section of the Greenway – from Taverners Hill to Hawthorne Light Rail Stations.
At Taverners Hill Light Rail Station, it was relatively quiet this morning. Here is a Noisy Miner –
And we had partial view of this bird, which we thought was likely to be a male Pacific Koel. But we later thought it was something quite different.
This Red Wattlebird has caught a wasp –
These birds have an unusual tongue –
Superb Fairy-wren
Down, along the path, short way along, we spotted a Spangled Drongo –
There were actually two of them. This one was a juvenile, but I think the bird I had photographed through the trees at the Station was an adult – a red eye is visible.
Some more photos of the juvenile –
I think these are the first Spangled Drongos we have seen along The Greenway.
Further along –
Little Black Cormorant
White-faced Heron
Welcome Swallow
Australasian Figbird
White-faced Heron
Australasian Figbird