Landing Lights Wetland – 21 September 2018

I had spent the morning at Tempe Wetlands and then had lunch at Dulwich Hill with two friends Roger and Digi Dave. After lunch, Digi Dave was keen for some bird photography, so we headed to Landing Lights Wetland at Barton Park.

Black-fronted Dotterel

We spent the afternoon at the Wetlands and their surrounds. Quite a few birds were around.

There were the usual residents –

White-headed Stilts

Red-necked Avocets

White-faced Herons

and some of the less common visitors –

Black-fronted Dotterel

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper

Around the wetlands, a lot of wattle was in flower.

Plenty of fish in the creek –

And some of the birds nearby –

Crested Pigeons


Golden Whistler (female)

Grey Fantail

New Holland Honeyeater

Masked Lapwing

Some of the local Magpies were having a dispute –


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