I spent a quite relaxing day visiting Malabar Headland National Park. It is now the whale watching season and I was hoping for a few whales. I was also on the lookout for raptors and honeyeaters. It was a sunny, but cold and windy day.
I did quite well spotting whales. I saw quite a few making their way north. Most of them were a fair way out, but still reasonable for photography.
Some of the whales were breaching for short periods –
I also spotted a pod of Dolphins. By the time I had my camera pointed at them – only a few were surfacing.
The birdlife was a lot quieter. I spotted a fair few New Holland Honeyeaters.
I also spotted the resident Peregrine Falcon. It was perched on a reasonably close ledge at first, then took off and flew around a bit. It then flew out of sight somewhere.
It later returned and perched on a ledge that was only visible from a fair way off – so not as good for photography. nevertheless, I waited for it to take off. I had first noticed it perched there not long after 1 pm. It was still in exactly the same spot when I left the area around 3:30 pm.
While watching the Peregrine, I did a few short walks to look for other birds, and I could also look for whales and also the Gannets and Terns diving for fish in the sea.