I spent an interesting morning at Ferndale Park at Chatswood seeing what fungi was out. I think I was a bit too soon after recent rain, and more fungi will emerge over the next week or two.
It was pleasing to see he green clubs, Microglossum viride again after an absence of a few years. They were growing in exactly the same spot I had seen them before.
While on the subbed top green fungi, here is some more –
This is Chlorociboria aeruginascens, and it too appears in the same spot.
Now for some waxcaps. A fair few were starting to appear –
I think the first red ones are Hygrocybe cantherellus.
Hygrocybe reesiae
Hygrocybe anomola var ianthinmarginata
And some more Hygrocybe cantherellus –
In particular, I was looking for the Ferndale – Green-pink waxcap. This may be one, perhaps a bit washed out –
And there was plenty of coral fungi out –
And a few more –