Birds at Sydney Olympic Park – 4 October 2020

I spent most two the day at Sydney Olympic Park photographing birds. I started off at the Mason Park Wetlands, then headed into Bicentennial Park and first went to Lake Belvedere, then the Bennelong Ponds. Next the Waterbird Refuge. Next, into Wentworth Common and the Brickpit before returning to Bicentennial Park and finishing at the Waterbird Refuge.

Mason Park was fairy quite, which was not surprising – it was almost dry. I saw a Koel perched in a tree and a single Pied Stilt.

There was plenty of water in Lake Belvedere, and it was busy as usual. Here is a Great Egret with breeding plumage collecting nesting material.

The Royal Spoonbill seems to doing a courtship display –

It was even showing off as it flew away.

Here is a Black Swan with its cygnets. They go and meet their father.

I didn’t see much in the Bennelong Ponds. Here is a Superb Fairy-wren and a Great Egret

Walking down to the Waterbird Refuge, I spotted this White-faced Heron

In one pond, which was almost dry, I found a few Black-fronted Dotterels.

One got too close to a Pied Stilt.

The Pied Stilt had chicks.

Back to the Dotterels.

A Few more Superb Fairy-wrens

A few more of the may Pied Stilts in the main Waterbird Refuge.

Here is a Great Egret with breeding plumage in Wentworth Common –

And some more Superb Fairy-wrens

I dint see anything to photograph at the Brickpit, so I started walking back. At Wentworth Common, I heard a bird splashing about in one of the ponds.

I waited to see if it would come out of the vegetation. It did! I was a Buff-banded Rail.

Back at the Waterbird Refuge, I stopped th photograph this tiny Pied Stilt chick and its parent.

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One Response to Birds at Sydney Olympic Park – 4 October 2020

  1. Julie says:

    Thanks so much! Great for identifying the buff-banded rail. Saw one near the Armory café yesterday

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