Malabar Headland – 5 October 2020

This visit to Malabar Headland was to again check on the status of the Peregrine Falcons. I also had another reason for the visit. A very hot day was forecast, so I though a long bishwalk would not be the best. The walk out to to Malabar Headland is short, and although shade is limited, I had a nice cool sea breeze all day – quite pleasant conditions.

This time I walked from the Malabar side. On the way out I spotted this nice Rufous Whistler

And here is one of the many New Holland Honeyeaters

At the Peregrine Falcon nest area, I spotted one Falcon perched on a distant ledge.

Before long, it took off and flew around a bit.

It landed on a much closer ledge. This one would provide good take-off photos – it was well lit and at the right angle.

I didn’t have to wait too long –

It landed on one of its favourite perches. And it stayed there a long time.

It gave some indication it was going to take off. Moving about and some wing stretches.

But it settled back down. Meanwhile some whales passed by  –

More wing stretches.

But it was another false alarm. The Peregrine Falcon settled back down.

Then an Osprey flew past.

I was too busy watching the Osprey to look at the Falcon. Then I realised that it would probably take-off after the Osprey and encourage it to leave the nest area. But when I looked, I was too late. The Peregrine Falcon had taken off. It soon returned and landed back on its perch. I didn’t see the Osprey again.

But I did manage to photograph its nest take-off. But it was in a poor direction.

Some Dolphins passed by –

The Peregrine landed again at a different spot.

Below in the sea, were some large schools of fish –

They attracted these Shearwaters

I then started heading back to Maroubra. Here are some of the Slender Onion Orchids –

And some more Dolphins frolicking off Magic Point –

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