I thought it was about time for another visit to Ferndale Park at Chatswood to see how the fungi was going.
I found some fungi out, but not as much as I had hoped for.
Here are some of the fungi that I spotted –
Lactarius eucalypti
Perhaps Hygrophorus involutus
Stereopsis hiscens
Perhaps Cystolepiota sp.
Tremella mesenterica
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum
Clavulinopsis amoena
Perhaps Trogia sp.
Rimbachia cf. bryophila
Very old Microglossum viride
Marasmius elegans
Hymenotorrendiella eucalypti
I am not sure what this one is –
Perhaps Leucocoprinus lacrymans
This may be Ozonium
Slime Mould – Lycogala epidendrum
Hi Dave,
The skink in this image is Saproscincus spectabilis that has an interesting disjunct distribution that appears to line up with the tall, wet Blue Gum Forests from Sydney to Northern NSW. Some regard this species as rare and declining with Sydney being an important relict set of populations. Others think it was ‘introduced with potplants’ grown in Northern NSW. I tend to agree with the former theory. Here is a map of its distribution: https://arod.com.au/arod/reptilia/Squamata/Scincidae/Saproscincus/spectabilis