It was a hot day, so I decided on a morning trip to Sydney Park to see what birds were out. While there, birdwatching friend Michael arrived and we later made a visit to Barton Park and stopped off on the Cooks River to look for Kingfishers.
Sydney Park
Australasian Grebe
Little Black Cormorant
Australasian Grebe and Eurasian Coots –
Buff-banded Rail
Thanks to another birdwatcher, Michael, for pointing out the Rail to me.
Little Pied Cormorant
Little Black Cormorant
Then my friend Michael arrived. We heard some alarm calls from the Noisy Miners and looked up and spotted a Brown Goshawk –
Australasian Grebes
Dusky Moorhens
Eurasian Coot
Tawny Frogmouth
Barton Park
We first visited Landing Lights Wetland.
Great Egrets
Cooks River
These photos were taken near Illawarra Road.
Little Black Cormorant
Australasian Darter
Not as many birds as I had hoped, probably due to the hot weather. But it was good to catch up with Michael and explore some local bird areas.