I was keen to get outdoors, so did a walk along the Cooks River, staring at Illawarra Road, and walking down to Waterworth Park. Then I crossed the river and walked under the railway line to the Princes Highway. I finished my walk by visiting the Tempe Wetlands.
Here are some birds I saw along the way –
Little Pied Cormorant
A Golden-Orb Weraving Spider
At Gough Whitlam Park, I spotted this nice pair of Tawny Frogmouths –
And here is a Magpie Lark at its nest –
Also at the park – Chlorophyllum molybdites –
This Grey Butcherbird has just caught a grub –
I was having snack in Kendrick Park, when checking my emails, I saw that a member of the Tempe Birdos, Ben, had observed an unusual Heron at Tempe Wetlands. As I was close, I thought I would walk over for a look. It was at the lower pond, and as I approached the water, I must have spooked it, as I saw a large bird flying off. It was a juvenile Nankeen Night Heron –
There was also a Great Egret –
Back to the Nankeen Night Heron –
Leaving the wetlands to head home, I also spotted two White-faced Herons –