Birds at Long Reef – 10 March 2024

I headed up to Long Reef for an afternoon of bird photography. The tide was fairly low, so I was able to venture out onto the rock platform.

One aim was to photograph some of the local Ospreys. I did see a few (or perhaps the same one multiple times) – but noe of them we’re hunting in the area.

Not long after I arrived, I spotted this distant Osprey with a small fish.

The Osprey landed on a rock a fair way out. The tide was a bit too high to venture out close to it.

Nearer was this White-faced Heron

As the tide we nt down, I did move out, and the Osprey was still in the same general area.

There were also plenty of Red-necked Stints

The Osprey then took off and left the area.

Pied Cormorant

Sooty Oystercatcher

White-faced Heron

Crested Tern

Grey-tailed Tattler

Then another, or the same(?) Osprey arrived –

It didn’t stay for long.

Pacific Golden Plover

Double-banded Plover

And an Osprey

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2 Responses to Birds at Long Reef – 10 March 2024

  1. Harry says:

    Thank you for your blogs, they are very inspiring for a budding birder like me who is new to sydney .. could you please let me know the best spots and time to spot the ospreys at long reef ..I have been there multiple times but my timing seems to be off

    • Dave Noble says:

      The Ospreys can turn up at any time at Long Reef. You need to be lucky or do multiple visits. High tide is often a better time to see them diving for fish, but in low tide – they often eat their fish out on the rocks. Also – they often perch in the trees on the north side – and they can be difficult to see, even with binoculars – so you need to walk around and look up into the trees. They can sit in the trees for hours at a time.

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