I joined the Sydney Fungal Studies Group Inc for their first fungal survey of the year – which was held at Bola Creek in Royal National Park. In the lead up, conditions had been quite dry and consequently not that much fungi was observed.
But with the keen observers along, we did find some interesting species.
Amanita ochrophylla
Boletellus emodensis
Russula viridis
Bolete – Perhaps Xanthoconium sp.
Amanita vaginata
Panellus pusillus
Conocybe apala
Clavulinopsis sulcata
Russula rosea
Stereum ostrea
Antrodiella citrea
Slime Mould, perhaps Arcyria obvelata
Clavaria zollingeri
Omphalotus nidiformis
Boletellus emodensis
Phaeoclavulina zippelii
Boletellus ananiceps
Amanita vaginata
Russula persanguinea
Boletellus deceptivus
Hypocrea sp.
Slime Mould, perhaps Physarum sp.
Pluteus sp.
Filoboletus manipularis
Ganoderma australe
Polypore high in a tree –
Phellinus robustus
And we also spotted a number of these Wasp Orchids. Perhaps Chiloglottis diphylla –
Many thanks to all that came along and helped with spotting fungi. This included members of the Sydney Fungal Studies Group Inc, visitors and three members of Friends of Royal National Park. Also thanks to Trevor and Kerry Millichamp for a lift down and back, and to Ray and Elma Kearney for arranging permsion with NPWS for the survey to go ahead.