Lawson Waterfall Walk – 7 January 2016

I was heading up the Blue Mountains with Bob for either a walk or canyon. Recent heavy rain had made canyoning unwise, so we had settled on a walk, and on the way up, after some discussion we decided to visit the waterfalls near Lawson. These waterfalls are very beautiful, and are quite impressive after a period of rain.


After a stop at the Lawson Cake Shop, we headed to the park on the north side of the town and then set off for Dantes Glen. Near the start of the track were a good cluster of Hyacinth Orchids. They did look a bit bedraggled after the rain however.


Hyacinth Orchid

The first waterfall, of ten we visited on the day was Fairy Falls. The had quite a nice flow of water going over it. We then descended the stone steps down into Dantes Glen. The waterfall here was nice too. Then not far away, we took the side track to St Michaels Fall.

Fairy Falls

Fairy Falls

Dantes Glen Falls

Dantes Glen Falls

St Michaels Falls

St Michaels Falls

Then, back on the main track we continued around Empire Pass to Lucys Glen. To reach the most interesting part of the Glen, you need to deviate off the main track and follow an old side loop. The track here is quite overgrown and hard to follow. The lower end of the track was covered by a fallen tree, so we walked past it, and turned off down the more distinct higher track. This is easy to follow down the the creek and then becomes very hard to discern. The creek itself is hard to follow here with waterfalls and boulders.


We made our way down to where a side creek enters from the east, and then climbed up that creek to reach a beautiful waterfall at the end of what is almost a canyon. This was probably the most impressive waterfall of the day.

Waterfall at Lucys Glen

Waterfall at Lucys Glen

Then, after a few photographs we made our way back to the creek and took the lower part of the loop track to join up to the main Empire Pass Track and continued along it to Frederica Falls.

Frederica Falls

Frederica Falls

Nearby were several groves on nice Bonnet Orchids.


Bonnet Orchid

We next followed the fire road back around to the Empire Point track, and then followed that track to Empire Point (a lookout), and then back a short way to the track back to Fairy Falls and the car.

We then headed to the south side of Lawson, along Honour Avenue, and set off along the track to Adelina Falls. Some local signs have this incorrectly called “Adeline Falls” and the council map on a sign at each of the trail has the track marked wrongly between Federal Falls and Junction Falls.

A short way down the track is a picnic table, and we stopped there for lunch. Not using the table (it had a top but no chair parts) – so we sat on a  rock shelf.

Adelina Falls

Adelina Falls

Then we walk the short distance down to Adelina Falls for some more photos. We followed the track to Junction Falls next. This is a nice place with two waterfalls from two separate creeks that have their junction a short way downstream. It is also a place that seems to have rather a lot of plaques.

Junction Falls (Ridge Creek)

Junction Falls (Ridge Creek)

Junction Falls (Ridge Creek)

Junction Falls (Ridge Creek)

Junction Falls (Lawson Creek)

Junction Falls (Lawson Creek)

Federal Falls is next, which is reached by a short side track.

Federal Falls

Federal Falls

The last waterfall was a little way further up the valley – Cataract Falls, which has two parts, both reached by side tracks.

Cataract Falls (Lower)

Cataract Falls (Lower)

Cataract Falls (Upper)

Cataract Falls (Upper)

Above these falls were some more orchids and the track that connects you back to the top carpark.

Large Tongue Orchid

Large Tongue Orchid

This was a very nice day out. More photos are online here.


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