I spent a full and interesting day wandering around the ponds and foreshore at Bicentennial Park at Homebush Bay photographing the birds.
Here are some of my photos –
Royal Spoonbill
Little Egret
White-faced Heron
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
This one was being a “Cockatoo” – on guard duty while another in the group was drilling into a mangrove after grubs.
When it got its insect, the first one swapped places with it.
Pied Stilts
Red-necked Avocets
Superb Fairywren with grub
Australian Pelicans
Caspian Tern
Willie Wagtail
Black-faced Cuckoo Shrike
Grey Butcherbird
Australian Darter and Cormorants
And some more Cormorants
And one raptor – a distant Nankeen Kestrel with a lizard