Birds at Nurragingy Reserve – 8 May 2020

I spent a pleasant day walking around the paths and trails of Nurragingy Reserve at Doonside. I also took a camera along and managed to get a few photos of the birdlife.

When I visit the reserve, I always look for the pair of Azure Kingfishers. Sure enough, I spotted one a few times during the day. As usual, though, the kingfisher was hard to photograph – perching on branches that were hard to get a clear view of. Here are some photos –

At the duckponds, I spotted a young Australasian Grebe

And a Little Pied Cormorant

It was being bothered by a pest.

I was at the reserve fro exercise, and ended up walking around the perimeter fire trail three times during my visit. I did not see a lot of birds, and on each walk, I spotted different birds.

Crested Shrike-tit

Superb Fairy-wrens


Brown Thornbill

White-browed Scrubwren

Yellow Thornbill

Golden Whistler

And for some parrots –

Rainbow Lorikeets


And, lastly, a Turtle –

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