This was an interesting bushwalk with Bob in the Springwood area. We started off down one of the tracks to Sassafras Gully. On the way down, we diverted off the track briefly to looks at an old stone cross.
This was a few minutes walk off the main track, and was reached by an old track.
I had seen this cross on an earlier walk, and looked for it after reading reports about in the Blue Mountains Gazette. I talked about the origin of the cross then.
We continued down the track, and left it to cross the creek and climb a ice open spur up onto the ridge.
Along the ridge, we reached a nice Aboriginal site we had come across on an earlier walk. This site features sharpening grooves, stone arrangements and an engraving of a kangaroo.
After looking at the site carefully, we descended to a nearby creek. We would use this to head back into Sassafras Gully. Early on, we found some Aboriginal sharpening grooves in the creekbed.
Lower down the creek dropped into almost canyon. We could not climb down until a fair way along where we found an interesting scrambling pass. This took us down to the Sassafras Gully track. We walked to The Lagoon for lunch. Then it was a please walk out. Along the way, I found some nice fungi out including these waxcaps –
Hygrocybe sp.
Hygrophorus involutus
Gliophorus viscidibrunnea
Hygrocybe anomola var. anomola
Hygrocybe austropratensis
Gliphorus graminicolor
Hygrocybe lilaceolamellata
This one was interesting. I found two specimens of what I think is a member of the genus Humidicutis. It does not seem to fit in with any species I know –