On our overnight bushwalk to Lawson Castle, I took advantage of the clear skies of the early evening to look for and photograph Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE). Like my attempt a few days earlier from Sydney, I could not see the comet with the naked eye. Nor could Don with his binoculars. The sky was a lot darker up in the mountains compared to the light polluted sky of Sydney. But the nearby almost full Moon was a bit overpowering making it hard to see faint objects.
But the camera easily picked it up. I took a few photos. The red lines in the photo above mark the position of the comet. It has the same green colour that it had when I photographed it from Sydney. Here the details are – 85 mm f 1.8, 4 seconds, 1600 ISO.
The photo below is less cropped and the details are – 85 mm f 1.8, 2 seconds, 640 ISO.
The one below was taken at 85 mm f 1.8, 4 seconds, 1600 ISO, and is heavily cropped. You can just make out a faint tail.
Now with Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon being visible I turned my camera towards them. Here are some photos –
Jupiter and Three Moons – 350 mm, f 6.3 1/100 sec, 800 ISO
Saturn – 350 mm, f 6.3 1/25 sec, 800 ISO
Moon – 350 mm, f 6.3 1/1250 sec, 800 ISO