Robertsons Knoll Walk – 15 September 2020

This was a very nice walk organised by Brian Everingham for the National Parks Association of NSW. We met at Wattle Flat at Audley and then walked downstream to just past the Varney Bridge. Then we climbed up the track to Robertsons Knoll and walk south along the track towards Uloola Falls, then, not too far along, descended on the track that took us down to Wattle Flat.

In the party were Brian, Faye, Valerie, Sue B, Sue W, Derek, Deb, Peter, Gavin, Charlie and myself. It was a great time of the year to do this walk – we were treated to a magnificent display of wildflowers, including six species of orchid in flower.

Here are some Wood Ducks and their chicks –

And a Darter on the far side of the river.

We look back at the historic Varney Bridge.

We then set out on the track up to Robertsons Knoll. The knoll is named after John Robertson, a former Prime Minister of NSW, and the person who created what was then called “National Park”.

Its a very pleasant walk with much to see – trees, rocks and flowers.

At one spot, we saw a Peregrine Falcon flying high overhead.

At the top, we stopped for first morning tea, and to climb the final part.

Boronia floribunda

We then continued on through mainly heath along the ridge south. It was there that we spotted our orchids.

We also spotted the remains of an old tritter tractor. They were once used to clear tracks.

Flying Duck Orchids (Caleana major)

Bearded Orchid (Calochilus paludosus)

Spotted Sun Orchid (Thelymitra ixioides)

Caladenia Orchids

(Caladenia carnea)

(Caladenia catenatus)

On the descent back to Wattle Flat we spotted this nice Rock Orchid in flower (Thelychiton speciosus)

And lots of other flowers –

Euryomyrtus ramosissima

Boronia serrulata

Grevillea oleoides

Baura ruboides

Boronia ledifolia

Grevillea diffusa

And some animals –

On the way down, we stopped for a second morning tea break at a nice lookout.

Thanks to Brian for leading the walk and for the flower id’s. And thanks to Valerie for the lift down and back.


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