Birds at Sydney Park – 22 October 2021

I spent an enjoyable morning at Sydney Park photographing some of the birds there. Here is a selection of photos.

At one pond, there were a number of Welcome Swallow juveniles being fed by their parents.


Here a bird flies up to the juvenile, but it looks like it is not its chick.

Nearby, an Australian Reed Warbler was calling.

And in the same pond, the Australian White Ibis were nesting.

And the Magpie Lark nest we reoccupied.

Then I had a look at the nesting pair of Tawny Frogmouths

Back at the large pond. Here are some Dusky Moorhens

And they had a vicious fight with an Australasian Swamphen

Here is an Australasian Grebe

In the small creek between the ponds, there was a lot of small fish.

At one time, all the Ibis took off and flew around for a while. I could not spot any raptors.

And lastly, some Noisy Miners

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