Bob proposed this walk – out from Blackheath, along Ridgewell Road, and then turn off and follow Burra Korain Ridge to the end. Then have a look for a slot pass, then return via a crossing of Crayfish Creek to Hanging Rock and Burra Moko Head, and then back via the fire road.
This turned out to be a really nice walk. Great weather, amazing scenery and fabulous wild flowers.
Bob parked at the barrier on Ridgewell Road at Blackheath, and then we walked out along then fire road. With so many wildflowers to look out for this walk was not dull! Here are some of the many Dotted Sun Orchids –
And some Native Iris –
And flowering Waratahs were in profusion.
We left the fire road at the second barrier, and followed a faint track out along Burra Korain ridge. It was easy going.
Here are some more Sun Orchids (non dotted) –
And these pale blue Sun Orchids seem to be a different species as well.
And still more Dotted Sun Orchids –
And a few Flying Duck Orchids (Caleana major) –
Near the end of the ridge, the great views started. Here we are looking across to the Victoria Falls Lookout.
And here across to Asgard Head –
Another view – the Grose Valley.
We walked out to the rock outcrop below –
From this we could look down and see where we had climbed up on a trip back in 2016, following more or less the nose of the ridge.
We then followed the main cliffline east towards a large slot complex that we had seen on the air photos. I had heard about a slot pass near Burra Korain Head on this post in the Bushwalking Forum, and it sounded interesting. Apparently Jim, from Centennial Stables and a friend had found the slot back in the 1970’s and used it to take their horse down to the valley.
We easily found the slot, but it looked quite difficult to descend. We climbed into it, and first tried to go east. The slot became very deep all of a sudden.
Further progress in that direction looks impossible without technical gear. We then tried going west. That seemed no good as well. We arrived at a section with false floors and large drops into dark voids below. It may be possible to scramble up or down – but it did not look obvious.
So we climbed out and then tried a parallel slot, a bit closer to the main cliffline. We followed this west, and it was very easy going. And in the slot we found some old tools – so we knew where in the right place.
From there it was a short walk past a Lyrebird nest to the base of the cliffs.
From here, there seemed no major difficulties descending further.
We turned around and retreated our steps back up the slot.
I seem to have packed my camera away for the nest section. We walked back along the ridge and found a way to scramble down into Crayfish Creek. It was easy going most of the way, descending ramps and gullies and then traversing along ledges to reach a side creek. It joined Crayfish Creek about 50 m downstream, but the way was blocked by a waterfall. We followed a ledge upstream, and looked for a way down. We could find no easy way, so Bob pulled out his handline and we hand over handed down a drop next to a tree. FRom the base of this, it was easy going to reach the creek.
We walked about 100 m upstream to a side creek than I knew had a good pass. At the junction we found shady place for lunch. Then we walked up the side creek short way, and then up a steep side gully with to scrambling sections. Then it was easy going up to Burra Korain Head. Baltzer Lookout provided great views of the Grose Valley.
Looking down, we were puzzled to find a wire cable anchored to the cliff. Used by Rock Climbers or Base Jumpers?
After admiring the views, we set off along the fire road back to Bob’s car. Again we passed some more wild flowers as we walked.
This had been a great day out.