I spent most of the day at the Northern Beaches trying to keep out of the rain. I was after photos of raptors.
I started off at Rat Park where I had a look to see if the Osprey were at their nest. I saw no sign of them. I did see, briefly, a Nankeen Kestrel.
I flew from one pole to another, but was then harassed by several Ravens, and I saw it fly off towards the beach.
Rat Park did provide a bit of protection from the rain – under the shelter of the area outside the change rooms. When the rain looked like if was clearing, I caught a bus down to Long Reef. I walked out to the lookout, no sign of any raptors, so I descended to the rock platform. There I photographed some Welcome Swallows.
I then walked around the northern side of the headland, to Fishermans Beach. There I had my lunch. I then went back to the lookout. From there I could see some bird photographers down below, so I walked down to join them. I knew one of them Philip. They had just seen an Osprey and a Sea Eagle.
The Osprey was still around –
But it didn’t stay around. I had headed out to sea. I turned my camera to three Ruddy Turnstones that were overwintering on the headland.
Then we saw the Osprey again.
And it was joined by a second Osprey.
They both flew out hunting over the sea. Meanwhile a Sooty Oystercatcher and arrived.
Then the pair of Ospreys had returned and were flying over the lookout.
They were being harassed by Masked Lapwings.
One of the Ospreys did fly past level with the lookout.
It landed on a bush.
And was then harassed by a Raven.
Back to the Ruddy Turnstones –
Then a Sea Eagle arrived.
More of the Ruddy Turnstones –
And a passing Little Pied Cormorant –
And the Sooty Oystercatcher –
And a second Sea Eagle –
And to finish, this Welcome Swallow is about to grab an insect.
And a Nankeen Kestrel near the carpark –