I was able to take part in the Mudlarks monthly bird survey along a section of the Cooks River. With then end of daylight saving, the group now meets at 7:30 am on the Lang Street Footbridge. This month, the group were surveying downstream.
Here are some of the birds we spotted –
Welcome Swallow
Little Corellas
Little Pied Cormorant
Olive-backed Oriole
Australian White IbisĀ
Magpie Lark
Australasian Swamphen
Willie Wagtail (with a Noisy Miner) –
Silver Gull
Satin Bowerbird
The Satin Bowerbird was the “bird of the survey” for me, as they are rare along the Cooks River.
The next two birds we seen at the Dibble Avenue Waterhole.
Eurasian Coot
Dusky Moorhen
Little Corella
Back at Wardell Road I had to leave the group early for a commitment.
good to see the ‘reno’ of Dibble Avenue waterhole has not scared them off. tho, it remains the drought water supply for the golf course as well as named after ABC newsreader’s James Dibble’s Old Man. a case where 19thC brick production had a +ive effect just few years back, i worked with an excellent local councillor, and former stationmaster of Lithgow, to ensure that that beautiful Wave Rock pathway and habitat of the Mudlarks (homo sapien Cooks Contemporaneous) was NOT concreted to facilitate it’s use as a Golf Cart Freeway!