Brian Everingham had organised a visit to the Landing Lights Wetland in the Rockdale area for the National Parks Association to mark World Wetland Day. I joined his party. This wetland is just within the Cooks River Catchment.
I had never been to this wetland before. This was despite it being adjacent to the Cycle Path I have often ridden along that connects the Cooks River to Botany Bay. The Landing Lights Wetland is quite different to the other nearby wetlands at Cup and Saucer Creek and Tempe in that they attract a lot of migrating birds.
Here are some of the birds (and insects) I was able to photograph –
More photographs, with species identified are on my website here.
Hi David,
I am looking for recent photographs of threaten/endangered birds in the Landing Lights Wetlands as part of the fight against the Cooks Cove/Kogarah Golf Course development.
My number is 0405 549 356
Peter Munro
Cooks River Valley Association
Peter – you are welcome to use any of my photos. Grab them off my blog, or email me if you want higher resolution versions.