This was an interesting walk in Royal National Park, along the Mowlee Ridge, following the Little Marley Firetrail from the Bundeena Road to Little Marley. It was a ridge I have not visited before (except for the bottom section on loop walks from Wattamolla). Once again, the walk was led by Brian Everingham for the National Parks Association of NSW.
In the party was Brian, Terry, Elaine, Sue, Judy, Joan and myself. It was the wrong time of the year to look for orchids in this habitat, so I was on the lookout for birds.
Here is an Eastern Spinebill –
In a few places we left the fire road and look on rock platforms for Aboriginal engravings or sharpening grooves. Here is a faint engraving –
And nearby an engraving of a human figure –
Some of the rock platforms featured some very fine tessellations.
Are these mundoes (footprint engravings)? –
And the rain had created some interesting patterns in the sand on the fire road.
New Holland Honeyeater
Yellow-faced Honeyeater
Along the way we stopped for a morning tea break on this nice rock platform.
A long way out to sea we spotted some very distant Humpback Whales –
When we reached the coast track we turned north and headed to a sunny spot for lunch.
Willie Wagtail
I like some of the strange rock patterns nearby.
And then it was time to walk back, the same way as we had come. More birds –
Little Wattlebird
Yellow-faced Honeyeater
New Holland Honeyeater
Beautiful Firetail
It had been a very pleasant and interesting walk. Many thanks to Brian for putting it on.