I was able to attend a celebration day at Lithgow organised by Janine Kitson for the Gardens of Stone Alliance and the Colong Foundation to pay tribute to the life and work of Vern and Joyce Moffitt. The Moffitts were strong unionists and environmentalist based at Lithgow and the first to propose protecting the pagoda landscapes of the Gardens of Stone.
A large number of retired unionists and conservationists, after arriving at Lithgow, then travelled by bus to the lookout at Dobbs Drift. This is a beautiful pagoda area overlooking Lithgow.
The party was welcomed to the lookout by a piper.
Dobbs Drift is an amazing place, well worth spending some time at.
After admiring the amazing views, we returned to Lithgow in the bus, for morning tea at the State Mine Museum. Then we went inside one of the buildings for the formal part of the day.
It began with an Aboriginal Welcome to Country and some musical items. Then here were some tributes to the Moffitts and the history of the Gardens of Stone Campaign.
Then a large display was unveiled which will be placed on one of the walls at the museum. It outlines the work of the Moffitts, both as unionists and environmentalists.
In the Gardens of Stone National Park, there is already a Moffitt Fire Trail that goes past the Moffitt Pagodas. This is an area well worth visiting.
The day finished with the singing of “Solidarity Forever”.