Raptors at Long Reef – 25 March 2024

I travelled up to Long Reef for another go at photographing the birds – and with the hope of seeing some raptors.

When I arrived it was pretty quiet. The tide was too high to venture out onto the platform. I started to walk down to the lower level, when I spotted an Osprey flying to the north with a fish.

I watched where it landed on the north side of the headland. So I made my way down to the beach and started walking in that direction.

On the way, I photographed some Crested Terns diving for fish –

And near the perched Osprey was this White-faced Heron

The Osprey was perched in a tree – with its catch.

The Heron started calling –

The Osprey was constantly looking around between beaks full of of fish.

Then a second Osprey arrived on the scene –

It flew past, then circled around and landed near the first –

The first continued eating.

The the second one flew off.

I walked back a bit looking for the second one, when I spotted it had perched near another Osprey that I must have walked past.

Some more White-faced Herons arrived.

I then started a rather long wait, to see if any of the Ospreys would take off, and perhaps (hopefully) start hunting for fish.

Meanwhile the first Osprey was being harassed by a Noisy Miner.

And another White-faced Heron arrived.

I continued watching the two Ospreys perched hear each other. I was annoyed to miss one taking off.

Meanwhile, the first seemed to have finished its fish.

Way out at sea, was a White-bellied Sea Eagle

And another White-faced Heron

The first Osprey looked like it was warming up for a flight.

It then settled down.

I began eating my lunch when it took off, and so I was a bit late with the camera.

The second of the two at the other perch also took off – and they flew together for a while –

The Ospreys had now all gone, and the tide was lower, so I went out looking for migratory birds. I found quite a few Red-necked Stints. Here is one –

And a number flying –

And here are two Pacific Golden Plovers

And then some Osprey appeared again. One was patrolling around.

And another was flying off, with a fish –

I then went up to the lookout, and a Black-shouldered Kite appeared.

It was hovering, studying the ground for prey.

Then it was time for me to head home.

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